UNESCO in UNFCCC začenjata serijo osmih mesečnih pogovorov, enega vsak mesec, od aprila do decembra, osredotočenih na izobraževanje o podnebnih spremembah na poti do COP27, ki bo potekal v Sharm El-Sheikhu v Egiptu od 7. do 18. novembra 2022.

Vsaka epizoda, ki bo potekala vsak zadnji torek v mesecu, bo raziskala kritično vlogo izobraževanja o podnebnih spremembah in kako izkoristiti njeno preobrazbeno moč za pripravo na COP27.

Serija je posvečena cilju ozelenitve vsake izobraževalne politike in kurikuluma, da se zagotovi, da je vsak učeči se opremljen z znanjem, veščinami, vrednotami ter odnosom za spopadanje s podnebnimi spremembami in za spodbujanje trajnostnega razvoja.

Serija poudarja osrednjo vlogo izobraževanja pri spodbujanju družbene preobrazbe, ki pomeni določeno stopnjo motenj v delovanju posameznika, ki se prepleta z reorganizacijo družbenih struktur v bolj pravično in trajnostno smer.

Serija je organizirana glede na Unescov globalni okvir o izobraževanju za trajnostni razvoj (VITR) za obdobje 2020–2030 z naslovom »Izobraževanje za trajnostni razvoj: k doseganju ciljev trajnostnega razvoja (ESD za 2030)«, kot tudi delovni program iz Glasgowa o ukrepih za krepitev vloge na področju podnebja za spodbujanje transformativnega izobraževanja.

Smo v ‘bitki za svoja življenja’, saj se trudimo preoblikovati naše družbe, da bi dosegli pot 1,5 stopinje, ki jo priporoča Pariški sporazum. Čas za učenje in ukrepanje za naš planet je zdaj!

Več informacij in prijava

Razpored predavanj

#1: Why climate change education for social transformation?
26 April 2022, 10:00 CET
Launches the series with a joint systems thinking on climate crisis and the role of climate change education for social transformation. The discussion will explore the gaps in education policies and curriculum, and where we want to go in view of the needed social transformation towards decarbonisation and sustainability as well as the renewed understanding of climate change education today.

#2: How climate change knowledge can become action
31 May 2022, 14:00 CET
Reviews the core skills, values and actions as well as knowledge that are required for transformative climate change education that will bring about social change.

#3 Education for post-carbon green economies
28 June 2022, 12:30 CET
Discusses structural transformation towards post-carbon green economies and a 1.5-degree lifestyle, as well as how knowledge, skills, values and actions relevant to economic transition can be integrated into education policies and curricula.

#4 Now or never: Adapting teaching and learning in a changed climate
26 July 2022, 10:00 CET
Reflects on our new realities shaped by the inevitable consequences of climate change. Within this context, the conversation will examine the teaching and learning that are needed to help learners adapt and live in the changed climate, including the importance of social and emotional learning.

#5 Our future starts with you: How to become a climate change champion
30 August 2022, 14:00 CET
Reviews transformative pedagogies for civic action and the role of youth, educators and women as agents for social change.

#6 The ancient futures: Un-learning and re-learning our way towards a post-carbon future
27 September 2022, 12:30 CET
Discusses the values and practices of harmony embedded in traditional knowledge and indigenous communities across the world, and how they help us visualize a post-carbon future. Good practice stories will be shared to inspire a brighter future for collective efforts fighting against climate change.

#7 Getting ready to scale up climate change education at COP27
25 October 2022, 10:00 CET
Reviews the gaps, challenges and opportunities in promoting climate change education for social transformation in education and sustainable development policies and curriculums. The discussion will present concrete strategies to promote the greening of every education policy and curriculum, particularly around COP27.

#8 Post-COP27 climate change education: Where do we go from here?
29 November 2022, 14:00 CET
Closes Season 1 by looking back at COP27 and its key takeaways, achievements, and commitments made related to climate change education.

Pripravila: PV
